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Found 267 results for any of the keywords world pujas. Time 0.008 seconds.
Blog John ArmitageEmerging through Eastern Tradition, the term Puja is believed to be derived from the Dravidian word pu-chey , meaning flower action or worship with the offering of flowers. Some trace it to the Tamil word pusu , meanin
Ascended Masters John ArmitageM Star or Merkabah Mandalas (or Merlin stars if you like) in the shape of what you may know as the Star of David, are very easy to build using Quartz crystals.
Earth healing John ArmitageMeditation from Israel Saturday 17th November 2001
Spiritual energies John ArmitageThe word Mahatma is a mantra with which to invoke the energy of The Rider of the White Horse, the Source. It is not the same Mahatma Madame Blavatsky and others have referred to in their writings, which is a Sanskrit wo
Shamballa On John ArmitageGet more and more comedy into the work. Have everybody laughing at themselves. And challenge the established control systems. I was invited to speak at this big UFO conference. So what I did was just make jokes. I got th
Divine Mother John ArmitageDear daughters, I am Maria, though more know me as Mary. It is my great joy to be with you here today, to assist you in your quest for knowledge. But I ask you to look within your hearts, and ask why you seek this partic
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PujasStrongest Puja for Longevity, a Healthy Life, Protection from Acute and Chronic Diseases, protection against untimely Death.
Now Avail Free Live Streaming of Entire Puja | Shaligram Shala | PageFree Live Streaming of all pujas for 8 hours every day at Book Navratri Puja, Kali Puja, Tara Puja, Ganesh Puja and may more vedic & tantrik pujas.
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